Anti-Money Laundering
Consulting Services & Strategies

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Amber D. Scott, MBA, CIPP/C, CBP, FIS, CAMS

Co-Founder, Chairperson & Strategic Advisor

Amber has broad-based financial compliance experience that includes insurance, mutual funds and banking. In addition to being a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) Amber is also a Certified Privacy Professional (CIPP). She also holds a mutual fund sales designation from the Investment Funds Institute of Canada (IFIC) and a first level Fellow, Life Management Institute (FLMI).

Amber completed her undergraduate studies at the university of Waterloo where she majored in Psychology. Her academic interests have always included law and criminology. As a teaching assistant she assisted in the development of the university’s first applied psychology course on criminal profiling. She has also received an MBA from the University of Aspen.

The first memory that Amber has about financial crime is hearing her father and a friend of the family discussing the dilemma faced by a local union that had fallen under the influence of an organized crime group. Pension monies had allegedly been deferred into investments that benefitted the crime organization, but not the union membership. Many discussions with her father followed on the structures that could allow a criminal organization to circumvent the controls in an established organization for their own purposes without suffering any consequences. It was all very confusing and fascinating for a ten year old.

While her confusion has faded, her fascination never has. Amber is passionate about ethical and legal compliance. Her obsession with understanding the risks and devising actionable solutions has lead her to work in the financial services industry as well as with Canadian accounting and consulting firms. In 2013, she founded Outlier Solutions Inc. to provide anti-money laundering (AML) solutions to Canadian reporting entities.

Amber is a firm believer in the idea that good compliance can enable good business. Find out how at or reach out to her directly at: