Outlier Solutions Inc (Outlier) is happy to offer our on demand products to members of the Canadian Jewellers Association (CJA) free of charge. Outlier is also offering a discount of 10% on consulting services, including Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Compliance Effectiveness Reviews.
From the compliance sections of the CJA website (available to members only), you can select a link that will grant instant access to this website, creating a user profile and reducing the price of all on demand products for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones (DPMSs). You will be able to access on demand products by selecting “Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones” from any menu or using the links in the FAQs below. The cost for these items will appear as $0.00 CAD, and you will not be asked for any credit card information.
Remember that in order to access the on demand products free of charge, you must use the link from the compliance sections of the CJA website (available to members only).
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