FINTRAC is the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada. This is the agency that regulates anti-money laundering (AML) and counter terrorist financing (CTF) for reporting entities in Canada.
There are no fees for using Outlier’s resource material linked on these pages. If you need more assistance, we will provide a consultation and provide an agreement that outlines the fees before we begin work on your project.
If you have received a request from FINTRAC…
If you have received a request from FINTRAC, it is important to take the request seriously and prepare the information or materials that have been requested. Outlier can assist you in preparing for FINTRAC examinations and responding to information requests. We have developed guidance documents to help you understand the process and what’s at stake. If you require immediate assistance, please contact us.
Resource Materials:
Disclosure of Non Compliance: What to do if you know you’re not in compliance.